More than Hanukkah

Day 2

Bible Lesson about Jesus’s miracles

Mark 10:46-52 Bartimaeus Receives Sight

Chart in Life Application Bible page  1937  Jesus performed many miracles or other list of miracles Jesus performed.

Materials:  Bibles (every lesson), blind folds, costume for Bartimaeus

Have an assistant be Bartimaeus, pretending to be blind by wearing dark glasses and a cane in the approach to the classroom.  The blind person should beg from the students.  Make sure Bartimaeus is unseen for a short time.

Greet Students and open with prayer.

Dear Jesus, Please open our hearts and our minds as we learn about a few of the many miracles you did in Bible times. Amen

Lesson introduction:

Pair students so one student can see while one student is blind folded.  Have the sighted students guide the blindfolded student to do a simple task such as draw a smiley face or walk to a certain spot in the room.  Remember to have the students switch who is wearing the blind fold, so each student has the opportunity to try a task while unable to see.

As the students are finishing their blindfold activity a now seeing Bartimaeus should burst into the room with his exciting news.

   The most amazing thing just happened to me!  While I was sitting by the roadside begging, because I was unable to see, Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples came by.  Have you heard of this Jesus?  Well, I had heard that he could do amazing things, so I thought maybe, just maybe he could help me.  I began to call out for him.  I called for him have mercy on me.  The crowd told me to be quiet, but I knew it might be my only chance, so I called even louder.  Then I heard him, I heard Jesus say, “call him”.  He wanted me to come to him, so of course I immediately got up and went right to Jesus.  As if it wasn’t obvious he asked me what I wanted him to do for me.  I asked the Great teacher to allow me to see.  He responded by saying “Go, your faith has healed you” Immediately I could see everything!  Jesus healed many people, but I am one of the special ones.  My story can be found in the Bible.

Bible Time:

Let’s open our Bibles and read Bartimaeus’s story.  It is found in Mark 10:46-52.  Help students find the passage.  Read it aloud to younger students.  For older students allow them to take turns reading the verses. 

Share What you know:

As Bartimaeus mentioned Jesus did many miracles, a few of these miracles are mentioned in the Bible.  Who can share some of these miracles?  Call on students.  If a student gives information you are not familiar with, see if they know where it is found in the Bible.  If a student gives something you are sure is not in the Bible, express that you don’t think it is in the Bible, so others are not confused.  Use a chart to share more miracles from the Bible.

Extra time: Share and/ or look up more miracles.  You can encourage students to page through the Gospels to see if they can spot anymore, or do more activities using blind folds.

Close in Prayer:

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for healing Bartimaeus.  Help us to recognize the miracles that you continue to do around us today.
