Rejoice for His Return

Day 5     Rejoice for His Return

Note This is a shorter lesson do to the structure of the VBS where this was first used.

Bible Lesson about Jesus returning to earth

I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11      Jesus’s Return to Earth

Greet Students and open with prayer. Dear Jesus, Thank you for a great week at Bible School.  We are so thankful that you have gone ahead to prepare a place in heaven for us. Help us to prepare ourselves for your return.  Amen

Lesson Introduction:

Yesterday we celebrated Easter and were reminded that Jesus rose from the dead.  Where is Jesus now? Allow students to answer.  In Acts chapter 1 , that is the book in the Bible that comes right after the gospels where we read about Jesus’s life on earth, it tells about Jesus going up into heaven.  It also tells us that Jesus will not always stay in heaven.  Let’s take a look at Acts 1:11.

Have students open their Bibles and read Acts 1:11.  Ask students where Jesus will come back to.  Yes, he will be coming back to earth.

Bible Lesson:

Let’s turn in our Bibles to another place where it talks about Jesus returning to earth. I Thessalonians 4:16 After helping students find the verse read or have students take turns reading until the end of the chapter.   Wow! This has not happened yet, but we know it will because it is written in the Bible. This passage was written to people who believe in Jesus.  It tells us that Jesus will return and those who believe in him, that is those who have ask Jesus to forgive their sins and to be Lord in their life, will be with Jesus forever! 


I’m going to read those verses one more time.  This time I want you to close your eyes and see if you can picture in your mind what is happening. (read 1Thessalonians 4:16) Ok open your eyes.  What kind of things did you see?  Call on students to share.  Then hand out paper and drawing supplies.  Have students draw out what they heard in the verses.  When students finish or time is almost up give them a chance to show their drawings to the class.

Extra time: Allow students to free draw.  Encourage them to make the picture to give to someone else.

Close in prayer:

Dear Jesus,

We wait for the day that you will return and bring us to live with you forever.  I pray that each of these students that are here today would put their trust in you, so they to can live for eternity with you. Amen