Day 4 1Samuel 20 David’s Friend Jonathan
Key verse: 1 Samuel 20:42a Jonathan said to David, “ Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord.”
Craft ideas: Friendship bracelets or any symbol of friendship
Game ideas: 3 legged race or other partner games
Snack ideas: pears or fruit salad
Bible Story Day 4
Before class starts create a list showing David and Jonathan’s plan. Put it on a chalk board or large piece of paper. Cover each step with another piece a paper, so you can reveal one step at a time.
Greet the students and open with prayer, (Dear God, Thank you for each one who has come to Bible School this week. Thank you for the great time we are having with our new and old friends.)
Introduce the story: Does anyone have a special friend that they like to do things with? What things do you like to do?
David had a special friend as well. His name was Jonathan. Jonathan was the son of King Saul, but King Saul did not like David very much. David thought King Saul wanted to kill him because David would become king after Saul instead of Jonathan. Jonathan was loyal to his father and did not believe that his father could possibly want to kill David, but as David’s best friend he worked out a plan with David to find out if King Saul wanted to kill him. Do you want to know what the plan was? Be prepared for no answers. You can respond by saying something like I did all this work writing it out, so I’m going to show you anyway. Be sure to keep humor in your voice.
Reveal the steps of the plan one at a time.
- David would not go to the festival King Saul had invited him to. Jonathan would attend.
- When King Saul asks Jonathon where David is, Jonathon should say to Bethlehem. If King Saul is angry about that, it means he had planned to kill David.
- Jonathan will go to the field where David is hiding.
- Jonathan will shoot arrows and bring a boy to get the arrows back.
- Jonathan will use code words to shout to David. He will tell the boy the arrows are beside you if there is no danger to David, or he will tell the boy the arrows are farther away if King Saul is trying to kill David.
When Jonathan went to the field where David was hiding he shouted to the boy, “The arrows are farther away” What did that really mean?
If needed, remind student that in step five the arrows are farther away is code for King Saul is trying to kill David.
When the boy was gone David came out to see Jonathan. Even though Jonathan’s father was trying to kill David, and David would be the next king instead of Jonathan, this is when Jonathan said what is in our key verse today. “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord”
Option #1 Have students look up the story in their own Bibles. Read 1 Samual 20 if the students have an attention span for listening to longer stories.
Option#2 If not highlight a few verses concluding with 1 Samuel chapter 20 verse 42a. Provide a coloring page with Jonathon and David and/or have students draw pictures of themselves doing things with friends. If time permits allow students to share their pictures with the group.
Closing words to students: I say to each of you. ”Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord.”