Day 2 David Kills Goliath 1Samuel 17
Key Verse: 1Samuel 17:45a
David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty!
Short paraphrase-I come in the name of the Lord!
Craft ideas: Stone painting, armor
Game ideas: Steel the Bacon, Capture the Flag, Israelites and Philistines (play like Sharks and Minnows with Israelites in the middle)
Snack ideas: really big and/or really small food
Bible Story:
Students should have Bibles for all lessons.
Optional materials would be armor, stones, and a sling shot.
Greet the students and open with prayer. (Dear God, be with us today as you were with David when he fought the giant.)
Introduce the Story
Think ahead questions.
What is the hardest challenge you have ever done? Answer prompts The first time you…Something that didn’t go right, but you kept trying
Is there anything you are afraid to do?
Read and Summarize the story
Have students open their Bibles to 1Samuel17
Summarize 1-3 Israel was battling against the Philistines.
Read 4-9 Description of Goliath
Summarize 10-11 Goliath taunts Saul and the Israelites. They are afraid.
Summarize 12-15 David’s brothers are soldiers in the war, but David is the youngest so he looked after his father’s sheep. Sometimes he traveled to see his brothers.
Read 16-26 David goes to the war front. Goliath shouts his challenge.
Summarize 27-30 David’s brother wonders why he has come to the war front.
Read 31-50 David prepares, fights and kills Goliath
Act it Out
Allow students to move and speak if possible based on ability and time. One way is to say the line and have the student repeat it. If you have some props use them, if not pretending is something children are great at.
Assign each student to be David, Goliath, Saul, Israelites or Philistines. Start with Israelites on one side of the room, Philistines on the other and David on the opposite end of the room.
Have Goliath step forward and call his challenge. (Choose a man to fight me. If I win, you will serve us. If you win, we will serve you.)
The Israelites tremble in fear. The Philistines show they are powerful.
David travels to the Israelites.
Goliath repeats his challenge.
David says he will fight Goliath. (Let no one lose heart I will go and fight him.)
Saul places armor on David. David shakes it off because it is too large.
David picks up his stones and takes out his sling shot.
Goliath repeats his fight challenge.
David meets Goliath and says (The Lord will hand you over to me.) (If the verse has been learned this is a great place to say it.)
David pretends to use the sling shot and Goliath falls down dead.
If the Act it out is to difficult for the students, another option would be to read a children’s story book of David and Goliath.
Final Discussion
Why was David able to defeat Goliath? (He was fighting in the name of the Lord.)
Do you think God will be with you when you face challenges?
Who killed Goliath? (David)
Close in prayer.
Dear God,
Please be with us where ever we go and in everything we do.