Day 5 David’s Descendant-Jesus The Gospels
Key verse: Romans 10:9
That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Craft ideas: Anything related to Jesus
Game ideas: Jesus says (like Simon says), fruit basket upset with faith, love, hope, and kindness
Snack ideas: Christmas cookies, fish crackers, anything connected to Jesus
Bible Story:
Students should have Bibles for all lessons.
Greet students and open with prayer. (Dear God, Help us to understand who your son Jesus is.)
Introduce the lesson
Put your thumb up if you know who Jesus is.
If someone wanted to know more about Jesus where would they look? (The gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
Todays lesson is a little different. Some students may know many details about Jesus. They will share with students who have not heard the gospel before.
Have students page though the gospels. What can you tell me about Jesus? What stories do you remember about Jesus? (If someone shares something not found in the gospels correct gently, so others do not receive false information, asking where they heard the story and stating that it is not found in the gospels or anywhere else in the Bible.)
If not much was shared, or you were not comfortable with having the students share, give a few highlights of what we read in the gospels. One way may be by reading the chapter and story heading found in most Bibles.
When the birth of Jesus is mentioned or after asking if anyone knows the Christmas story ask Does anyone know the connection between David and Jesus? If no one knows follow up with Does anyone remember why Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem for the census? (During the census they needed to travel to Bethlehem because they were from the house and line of David. Joseph and Mary were both descendants of David. The genealogies are found in Matthew (Joseph) and Luke (possibly Mary’s line).
Have students look up Matthew1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-37. Explain that this are list of the grandparents of Jesus. Highlight the mention on David.
Finish the Bible time by emphasizing that Jesus died for our sins, rose again and is now waiting for us in heaven if we confess our sins and believe in Jesus. Use today’s memory verse to help with this point.
Play or sing “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”. Form a large circle and go around to follow Jesus and spin around when the song says no turning back. Make motions for cross before and world behind. Each person goes randomly around on their own for none go with me.
Dear Jesus,
We know we have not always done the right thing. Please forgive us for the many wrongs we have done. We believe you are the living true Lord, the Son of God. We want to live our lives for you. Pleas guide us as we serve you here on earth.
Final Question
Who was Jesus’s royal ancestor? (David)