Celebrate with Jesus
Surprise It’s David
Where it All Started (below)
Day 1: Creation-God Created Everything
Genesis 1:1-2:7
Key verse: Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Craft ideas: Creation Wheel or Mobile
Game ideas: Duck Duck Goose (give it a twist with other animals), Sharks and minnows (tag type game with predators in the middle trying to tag the prey), races where they move like animals
Snack ideas: Oreos or other black and white snack (Day and night), vegetables, Gold Fish or Animal Crackers
Day 2: Adam and Eve and the First Sin…Jesus Saves Us from Our Sins
Genesis 3, Roman 3:21-26, John 3:16
Key verse: Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Craft ideas: decorate wooden crosses (cross could be made using one large and one small craft stick), crosses made from beads, aluminum foil crosses such as found at Cross Crafts for Sunday School and Children’s Ministry (daniellesplace.com)
Game ideas: parachute games, Freeze tag (Use soft objects like pool noodles to touch players. One object freezes one thaws or saves),Fox and Chickens
- Choose one person to be the Fox (it).
- Line up the rest of the group in a single file line.
- Each person holds the waist of the person in front of him or her.
- The person at the front of the line is the Mother Hen and the rest are the Chicks.
- The Fox stands in front of the line.
- On signal, the Fox starts around the line, trying to tag the very last Chick. The Mother Hen flaps her wings and follows the Fox to prevent him from catching the Chicks. The others keep in line with the leader and turn away from the Fox.
- If the last Chick is caught, he falls behind the Fox and the game continues until all Chicks are caught.
Snack ideas: Pretzel sticks (make into crosses), life savers, apples or other fruit
Day 3: Noah- God saved Noah’s family and the animals from the flood
Genesis 6-9
Key verse: Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Craft ideas: origami animals, paper plate animals, any animal crafts
Game ideas: Duck Duck Goose (give it a twist with other animals), Sharks and minnows (tag type game), water games
Snack ideas: Animal Crackers, Blue Jell-O
Day 4: Abraham-God’s promise– The fulfillment starting with Isaac
Genesis 15-21:7
Key verse: Genesis 21:5 Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.
Craft ideas: Scratch art, 3D stars, sand art
Game ideas: Blob tag (hold hands when caught), Beach Ball games
Snack ideas: Star shaped cookies or food, trail mix or other snack with many pieces
Day 5: Joseph-From Jealous brothers to Ruler of Egypt
Genesis 37-42
Key verse: Genesis 42:6 Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the one who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.
Craft Ideas: Stories of Joseph Mini Sticker Scenes – 48 Pc. From Oriental Trading
Create Image of Joseph’s Dream using 11 star stickers and a sun and moon and Joseph Joseph’s Dreams Crafts (thebiblekids.blogspot.com) (No Dream Catchers please)
Game ideas: Pharaoh May I (like Mother May I), Bean Bag toss Games, Ring toss Games
Snack ideas: Graham crackers or other grain based food, star shaped cookies or food
Songs for the week: My God is so Big , If I were a Butterfly, Well, the Ducks go By, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, Father Abraham, Arky-Arky (Rise and Shine), Who Built the Ark?, Amazing Grace